Find a Therapist

Find a qualified, licensed therapist and know your options.

Psychologists, Social Workers, Counselors, and Marriage and Family Therapists are professional therapists must pass state licensing requirements and complete continuing education to maintain their license.

Decide which professional is right for you and search a reputable therapist directory such as: The American Psychological Association (,, or

Verify All Therapists

Weather you found a therapist on a website, or they were referred by a trusted friend—always seek credentials. Each state provides licensing information for registered Psychologists, Psychiatrists, Social Workers, Professional Counselors, Drug and Alcohol Counselors and Marriage and Family Therapists. Click on the link below to search your therapist’s state licensure status.

verify a mental health professional’s license

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The Truth About Life Coaches

If you find yourself drawn to someone who markets themselves as a Life Coach, know their role and exercise extreme caution.

Think of a Life Coach as a Sports Coach. Someone who helps you evaluate your present day status, identifies personal goals, and develops a plan to achieve them. They can help you pinpoint obstacles and develop methods to overcome them.

IMPORTANT: Life coaches are not required to obtain a certification, and many certification programs are not accredited. The bottom line is that these individuals have no regulations, and anyone can refer to themselves as a life coach. If you seek guidance from someone who markets themselves as a life coach, always remember that they are not licensed therapists and have no legal permission to assume the role of a therapist in any respect. It is against the law for them to provide medical advice, diagnose, or treat mental health illnesses.

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